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How to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

Being eco-conscious has never been more fashionable, with people falling over themselves to showcase their commitment to the natural world. If you’d like to make your home more eco-friendly but you’re not sure where to begin, then the blog below is just what you need.

Read on to discover four simple ways to lower the carbon footprint of your home, saving the planet and money in the process!


Shop locally

When it comes to buying items for your home, such as groceries, furniture, and renovation supplies, you should always try to buy from local merchants.

Although it can be a little bit more expensive when you buy locally sourced products, you’re helping to cut down on transportation, which, in turn, reduces harmful emissions. Furthermore, you’ll be supporting your local community and helping to keep local businesses afloat.


Consider renewable energy

If you’re open to making big changes to make your home more sustainable, then you might want to consider changing to renewable energy systems. Not only can these help the environment, but they can also help to reduce your energy bills. Some of the most popular types of renewable energy are:

·       Solar panels

·       Biomass boilers

·       Ground source heat pumps

·       Air source heat pumps


Harvest rainwater

The amount of water that households waste each year is shocking, and this has a knock-on effect on the environment.

If you’d like to dramatically reduce the amount of water that you use from your main water source, then a rainwater harvesting system is a great choice. With the ability to cut down your mains water usage by as much as 50%, these types of systems work by filtering collected rainwater and storing it below ground.

It can also be a good idea to look into ways to reduce the amount of water that you waste, such as opting for short showers over baths and not leaving the tap running when you’re brushing your teeth.


Invest in sustainable products and services

When you buy items for your home, always try and choose ones that are sustainable. This includes small purchases such as home accessories and toys for your kids, as well as larger items such as a new kitchen or furniture for your outside space.

There are some amazing products out there for your home and garden from companies like Ecomposite Products, which can help you to create a stylish and sustainable space for you and your family to enjoy.

It can also be beneficial to consider the services you use and how you could make more sustainable choices. For example, when you’re renovating your home, do you choose contractors that use eco-friendly materials?


The bottom line

Nobody said that making your home eco-friendlier would be easy, and it takes time, effort, and dedication to turn your household into a more sustainable one.

That said, even if you only make small changes, such as switching to a local grocery store or having daily showers instead of baths, you’re still making a difference.

Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day, so don’t worry if it takes you a little bit longer to reach your sustainability goals.