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Electrical Safety Tips For Holiday Lights

Tis’ the season to start decorating your house for the Holidays. Oh what a wonderful time it is, the best time of the year! Before you start to decorate your house, you’re going to want to inspect everything to make sure it’s still in good shape and doesn’t create a hazard to you or your house.

Holiday Lights

Whether your lights are colorful, white, yellow, etc. you’re going to want to inspect them before hanging them anywhere. You want to look for frayed wires, broken sockets, or other signs of wear and tear. Before you set them up where you want them you should always plug them in first to see if they work. You should always hang them on non-flammable surfaces. If you plan on connecting more then one light strand together to get a longer strand, a good rule of thumb is to not connect more than 3 just to be safe. You should also never place the lights or any extension cords used under rugs, blankets, or near walkways as it is a serious hazard. When hanging up lights outdoors, make sure you keep the electrical connection off the ground. Only use exterior lights outside, the interior ones are not made the same and are not as durable. You should always unplug the lights whenever nobody is there to accompany them. You should always be close and nearby incase something happens. You can also purchase a timer for the lights to help remember when they’re on and off. Lastly, you’re going to want to hang them on a tree that is labeled fire resistant. Most people hang lights on their tree not knowing if the tree is fire resistant and it’s a serious safety hazard. The lights will start to warm up the longer you leave them on, so it’s best to be safe than sorry when purchasing a tree that is fire resistant.

Guest Contributor: Tiffany Powell